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Coffee Trainings - Home Barista & Show Roasting

With these courses you have the opportunity to learn more about the coffee world and receive interesting instructions on how to extract your coffee perfectly at home or learn more details about roasting.

Available Coffee Trainings

Coffee Training


A first insight into the world of coffee and professional espresso preparation. You can either learn how to make coffee using the equipment at the coffee roastery or you can bring your own portafilter machine (including grinder and tamper) from home. Our experts will also explain the requirements for perfect milk foam.

Prior Knowledge





Max. 8 people (4x with own portafilter machine; 4x without own portafilter machine)


Approx. 3 hours


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

Coffee Training


The show roasting course provides a basic understanding of the roasting process, including the physical changes that take place and how to influence sensory aspects of the coffee through light or dark roasting.Once a month we offer you the opportunity to accompany and participate in a coffee roasting. After a short introduction to the world of coffee, we will roast together and then learn about individual preparation options.

Prior Knowledge





Max. 10 people


Approx. 3 hours


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

Coffee Skills Programm (CSP)

The specialty coffee industry is very diverse and we help you to develop your passion and skills professionally.

The Coffee Skills Program (CSP) is offered worldwide by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and taught by SCA Authorized Trainers (ASTs). It consists of 6 modules in 3 levels. Introduction to Coffee is offered at the basic level and 5 further modules cover the specialty areas of Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Roasting and Sensory Skills in 3 levels each (Foundation, Intermediate and Professional).

It offers you targeted further training opportunities for every phase of your career and for different areas of specialization.

Depending on the level chosen, different points are awarded. With 100 points, the SCA awards the Coffee Diploma, which certifies in-depth coffee knowledge.

Available Coffee Skills Programm Modules

Module 1


This module provides a general overview of the coffee value chain, from growing the coffee cherries to brewing.It provides general information on botany, cultivation and processing methods, as well as the evolution of coffee from its origins in Ethiopia to becoming a major global commodity today.This course is fundamental to all other Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) courses and is aimed at all coffee lovers, coffee industry employees, entrepreneurs and coffee industry professionals who want to gain basic coffee knowledge as a foundation for further coffee courses.

Prior Knowledge





Max. 8 persons


Approx. 4 hours


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

CSP Points

10 points

Module 2


Learn more about the main topics in the field of green coffee: production, processing, grading, shipping, storage, and transportation, coffee contracts, portfolio management, as well as the impact of various components (processing methods, defects, gradings) in the cup.

Foundation CourseAs a fundamental course in the “Green Coffee” module, you’ll gain an overview of the various green coffee varieties worldwide, different harvesting methods, processing techniques, an introduction to green coffee grading, and initial effects of the various components in the cup.
Intermediate CourseAs an advanced course in the “Green Coffee” module, you’ve already acquired basic knowledge in the field of green coffee and want to deepen it. In this module, you’ll learn about proper green coffee grading, clear identification and recognition of green coffee defects (both physical and in cupping), prerequisites and information related to coffee trading, and correct storage and transportation of green coffee.
Professional CourseIf you’ve successfully completed your “Green Coffee – Intermediate” course at least 3 months ago (a prerequisite), you’re now ready to become a professional expert in green coffee, green coffee grading, defect detection, and trading. You’ll professionally analyze, classify, and taste green and roasted coffee samples, providing a final and clear evaluation. Detailed discussions on storage and contracts will be within your expertise.

Prior Knowledge

Foundation KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended

Intermediate KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended

Professional KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Intermediate“ prerequisite




Max. 8 persons


Foundation Kurs
Approx. 1 day

Intermediate Kurs
Approx. 2 days

Professional Kurs
Approx. 3 days


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

CSP Points

Foundation Kurs
5 points

Intermediate Kurs
10 points

Professional Kurs
25 points

Module 3


Learn the fundamental competencies of sensory evaluation in a practical and interactive manner. In the “Sensory Skills” module, we explore how we taste, evaluate the natural properties of coffee, and apply this knowledge in business.

Foundation CourseAs a fundamental course in the “Sensory Skills” module, you’ll gain an overview of general sensory physiology and the key components of coffee sensory evaluation. Basic taste profiles, haptic perception, and olfaction will be covered and tested through practical exercises. Prerequisites for recognizing specialty coffee will be developed, and initial tasting protocols will be conducted.
Intermediate CourseAs an advanced course in the “Sensory Skills – Foundation” module, you’ve already acquired basic knowledge in sensory analysis and want to deepen it. In this module, you’ll learn the basics of coffee tasting, test and evaluate your abilities in haptic perception, taste, and smell through various sensory assessments presented and practically tested here. Standards and requirements for Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and Cup of Excellence tastings will be introduced and explored, and characteristics for identifying specialty coffee will be further developed.
Professional CourseIf you’ve successfully completed your “Sensory Skills – Intermediate” course at least 3 months ago (a prerequisite), you’re now ready to become a professional expert in coffee tasting, sensory analysis, and the sensory recognition of specialty coffees.

Prior Knowledge

Foundation KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended

Intermediate KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended

Professional KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Intermediate“ prerequisite




Max. 8 persons


Foundation Kurs
Approx. 1 day

Intermediate Kurs
Approx. 2 days

Professional Kurs
Approx. 3 days


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

CSP Points

Foundation Kurs
5 points

Intermediate Kurs
10 points

Professional Kurs
25 points

Module 4


The “Roasting” courses make the roasting process understandable. The course content includes the roasting cycle, roast levels, error detection, the physical changes that coffee beans undergo during the roasting process, as well as workplace management and lean production.

Foundation CourseThe “Roasting – Foundation” course provides a fundamental understanding of the roasting process, including the physical changes that occur and how one influences the sensory aspects of coffee through light or dark roasting.Additionally, the course covers basic knowledge about the structure of the coffee roasting machine, general maintenance, and fire safety.
Intermediate CourseThe “Roasting – Intermediate” course builds upon the introductory concepts from the Foundation Course. It is specifically designed for individuals with roasting experience who want a deeper understanding of roast profiles, the relationship between profile and color, the impact of development time on sensory expression, and the physical and chemical changes involved in the roasting process.The course also introduces sample roasting and reviews safety and maintenance protocols in the roastery.
Professional CourseThe “Roasting – Professional” course builds upon the concepts and skills introduced in the “Roasting – Intermediate” course. Learners acquire advanced skills in profile development and sensory analysis evaluation. This course delves deep into a wide range of topics, including control and color matching within various and defined time limits; utilization and configuration of roast profile software; molecules involved in browning reactions; gas formation during the roasting process; chemical causes of color and their impact on solubility; visual detection of roasting defects; blending and quality control; as well as an exploration of production options to meet different customer preferences. A written exam confirms the learner’s subject knowledge, while a practical exam assesses the learner’s ability to roast different development time targets within tight constraints, visually evaluate roast color, identify common roasting defects through cupping, and ultimately distinguish between minor and major differences in a profile for simulating production quality control processes.

Prior Knowledge

Foundation KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended

Intermediate KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Roasting – Foundation“ recommended

Professional KursCSP „Introduction to Coffee“ recommended
CSP „Sensory – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Green Coffee – Foundation“ recommended
CSP „Roasting – Foundation“ prerequisite
CSP „Roasting – Intermediate“ prerequisite




Max. 8 persons


Foundation Kurs
Approx. 1 day

Intermediate Kurs
Approx. 2 days

Professional Kurs
Approx. 3 days


Kaffee_art – Steinerne Furt 60, 86167 Augsburg, Germany

CSP Points

Foundation Kurs
5 points

Intermediate Kurs
10 points

Professional Kurs
25 points

Available Workshops



Discover the world of coffee from the bushes to the cup with our intensive 4-day workshop at the family-owned farm “Fazenda Santo Antônio”, the main supplier of our specialty coffees.

Workshop “4-day visit to the Fazenda Santo Antônio”
The workshop includes the following program (for reference; subject to change and availability):

Accommodation and transportation
– Transfer to the farm (outward and return journey): Guests will be transferred from São Paulo airport to the farm “Fazenda Santo Antônio” and driven back to São Paulo airport after their stay.
– Stay: During the visit, guests can be accommodated in a guest house (living room/double room/bathroom) on the farm. Breakfast and meals can be booked.
Depending on the number of guests, there is also the possibility to be accommodated in another farm or in a hotel in a nearby town, for which we can make recommendations.
Guests have time to explore the farm and enjoy the surroundings.

Basic coffee workshop, four modules

Module I – Coffee plantation and harvest
– Theory.
– Visit to the farm's coffee plantation.
– During the harvest time (May-July) participation in the harvesting process on the farm.

Module II – Coffee drying process
– Theory on the drying methods: natural, honey, pulped natural, washed.

Module III – Coffee grading
– Theory.
– Classification, hulling of green coffee.
– Physical evaluation of the green coffee, detection of defects.
– Preparation of coffee for export.

Module IV – Sample roasting and sensory analysis
– Roasting of the classified coffee.
– Sensory theory, Le Nez du Café, aroma wheel.
– Evaluation of the sample roast using the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) form.
– Commercial roasting of a specialty coffee.

Additional visits
– Various coffee farms in the area.
– Coffee baron architecture in Mococa, Brazil.
– Mirante de Caconde and surroundings.
– Visit to a coffee warehouse (e.g. Cooxupé Cooperative or other milling station).
– Preparation of coffee for the world market.

Prior Knowledge



German, English or Portuguese


Max. 4 persons


4 days


Fazenda Santo Antônio
Mogiana Region – Igaraí, Brazil