News: Our store and online shop are operating normally once again! | Kaffee_art Sport Challenge 2024

The Manufactory

Since February 2020, Kaffee_art has set itself the goal of processing specialty coffees from the family-owned farm “Fazenda Santo Antônio” in Brazil directly, honestly and transparently in Germany.

We have already doubled our initial target of roasting 1 ton/month.

Our green coffees are also sold on to small roasting companies, as they have high quality standards for green coffee.

Family-owned farm “Fazenda Santo Antonio”

The main supplier of our specialty coffees is our family-owned coffee farm “Fazenda Santo Antônio” in Igaraí, in the coffee region of Brazil known as Mogiana, in the state of São Paulo, directly adjacent to the coffee region of the south of the state of Minas Gerais.

The farm has borne a “German signature” since 1951, the year in which the family emigrated to Brazil to make a new start in Brazil after losing their agricultural property in East Germany. Since then, the family has focused on coffee production and the farm is currently managed jointly by the second and third generations of the family.

In its 171 ha, 58 ha are destined to coffee cultivation and 83 ha to sugar cane cultivation. The remaining areas are reserved for protection and permanent reserve. Of the 200,000 coffee trees, 28% correspond to the Catuaí Red variety, 21% Mundo Novo, 15% Arara, 20% Catucaí Yellow, 6% Obatã and 10% are distributed among other varieties.

Supported Projects

Canoe Slalom

Kaffee_art is the sponsor of Noah Hegge, a German canoe slalom athlete.

Kaffee_art Sport Challenge

Since 2022, we have been organizing the “Kaffee_art Sport Challenge” every summer to incentivize sporting activities, interact with customers and help a charity institution.

Our sporty customers can take part in one or more challenges in different sports. There are great coffee prizes for the winners and for each participant who successfully completes the challenge, a donation will be made to the brazilian NGO charity organization “Centro Socioeducativo Semente Esperança”.

Kaffee_art's Heart Project

Kaffee_art’s imported coffee beans are transported from Brazil to Germany in coffee bags made from recycled PET bottles. These coffee bags can only be used once for delivery and would otherwise become waste. To prevent this, some of the coffee bags are brought back to Brazil and transformed into decorative bags by Brazilian women who are unable to work for various reasons.

Each bag is a unique, handmade work of art that is sold locally for €20. All proceeds go directly to the seamstresses to help them earn a living. Essentially, it’s a sustainable cycle that empowers women and reduces waste.